
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Petis Telur Bebek


Telur bebek rebus, kupas
Tempe, potong
Cabe merah, iris
Cabe rawit, iris
Bawang putih, iris
Bawang merah, iris
Jahe, iris
Kunyit, iris
Daun salam
Petis udang
Garam & gula secukupnya
Minyak sayur untuk menumis

Cara memasak:
- Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, cabe merah, jahe, kunyit & daun salam
- Tambahkan telur & santan, aduk
- Masukan petis, cabe rawit, garam & gula
- Masak hingga matang
- Sajikan hangat bersama nasi


Boiled duck eggs, remove the skin
Tempe, cut up
Red chili, chopped
Bird’s eye chili pepper/cayenne
Garlic, chopped
Shallot, chopped
Ginger, chopped
Turmeric, chopped
Bay leaf
Indonesian black shrimp sauce
Coconut milk
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil to saute

Cooking process:

- sauté garlic, shallot, red chili, ginger, turmeric & bay leaf
- put in duck eggs & coconut milk, stir
- add black sauce, cayenne, salt & sugar
- cook till done
- serve warm with plain rice


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