
Monday, February 27, 2012

Caviar Asam Manis


* Telur ikan kakap besar, jangan dipotong
* Cabe merah, iris
* Bawang merah, iris
* Bawang putih, iris
* Serai, geprak
* Salam
* Jahe, iris
* Kunyit, iris
* Kecap manis
* Minyak sayur, untuk menumis
* Air secukupnya
* Garam & gula secukupnya


1. Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, cabe merah, jahe, & kunir
2. Tambahkan serai & salam
3. Masukan telur ikan, masak hingga mengeras, & potong
4. Tuang air & tambahkan kecap manis, gula & garam
5. Masak hingga matang



* Big caviar, don’t cut up
* Red chili, chopped
* Shallot, chopped
* Garlic, chopped
* Lemongrass
* Bay leaf
* Ginger, chopped
* Turmeric, chopped
* Sweet Ketchup
* Vegetable oil, to sauté
* Water
* Salt & sugar to taste


1. Sauté garlic, shallot, red chili, ginger & turmeric
2. Put in lemongrass & bay leaf
3. Put in caviar, cook till stiff & cut up into pieces with cooking spoon
4. Add water, sweet ketchup, salt & sugar
5. Cook till done

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Petis Telur Bebek


Telur bebek rebus, kupas
Tempe, potong
Cabe merah, iris
Cabe rawit, iris
Bawang putih, iris
Bawang merah, iris
Jahe, iris
Kunyit, iris
Daun salam
Petis udang
Garam & gula secukupnya
Minyak sayur untuk menumis

Cara memasak:
- Tumis bawang putih, bawang merah, cabe merah, jahe, kunyit & daun salam
- Tambahkan telur & santan, aduk
- Masukan petis, cabe rawit, garam & gula
- Masak hingga matang
- Sajikan hangat bersama nasi


Boiled duck eggs, remove the skin
Tempe, cut up
Red chili, chopped
Bird’s eye chili pepper/cayenne
Garlic, chopped
Shallot, chopped
Ginger, chopped
Turmeric, chopped
Bay leaf
Indonesian black shrimp sauce
Coconut milk
Salt to taste
Vegetable oil to saute

Cooking process:

- sauté garlic, shallot, red chili, ginger, turmeric & bay leaf
- put in duck eggs & coconut milk, stir
- add black sauce, cayenne, salt & sugar
- cook till done
- serve warm with plain rice

Salad Vegetarian dengan Keripik Singkong


Kacang merah
Jagung manis pipil
Tahu sutra
Minyak wijen
Keripik sesuai selera, di sini menggunakan keripik singkong khas Indonesia

Cara memasak:
- Cuci sayuran
- Brokoli potong kecil-kecil
- Wortel potong dadu
- Rebus sayuran bersama tahu sutra
- Hancurkan tahu
- Pindahan ke mangkok besar
- Tambahkan mayones
- Tambahkan minyak wijen
- Campur hingga rata
- Dinginkan
- Sajikan dengan keripik kesukaan Anda


Red bean
Sweet corn
Silken Tofu
Sesame oil
Chips to taste, I’m using traditional Indonesia cassava chips.

Cooking process:

- cut into pieces sweet corn, broccoli, & carrot
- boil tofu together with vegetables
- pond tofu till smooth
- put all ingredients into mix bowl (exclude chips) & mix
- refrigerated
- serve cold with your favorite chips

Mi Jantung Hati


Mi telur kering, rendam air panas
Jantung ayam, iris
Tomat, iris
Selada hijau, iris
Bawang Bombay, iris
Kecap manis
Garam & merica secukupnya
Cara memasak:
- Tumis bawang Bombay & jantung ayam,
- Masukan selada & tomat, aduk
- Tambahkan mi, kecap, garam & merica, aduk
- Masak hingga matang
- Sajikan hangat


Dried egg noodles, soak in hot water
Chicken heart, cut up
Tomato, chopped
Green lettuce, chopped
Onion, chopped
Sweet ketchup
Salt & pepper to taste

Cooking process:

- sauté garlic & chicken heart
- put in noodles & ketchup, salt & pepper, stir
- cook till done
- serve warm

Nasi Goreng Merapi


Nasi, dinginkan di temperature kamar
Selada hijau, iris
Nanas manis, iris
Telur ayam, kocok
Bakso sapi, iris
Saus pedas
Garam & merica secukupnya
Bawang goreng secukupnya

Cara memasak:
- Lelehkan mentega & masukan telur, aduk
- Masukan bakso, nanas & selada hijau, aduk
- Tambahkan nasi, aduk
- Masukan saus pedas, garam & merica
- Masak hingga matang
- Sajikan hangat bersama saus & bawang goreng


Boiled rice, leave cool in room temperature
Green lettuce, chopped
Sweet pineapple, chopped
Chicken eggs
Beef meat balls
Hot sauce
Salt & pepper to taste
Fried shallot to taste

Cooking process:

- Melt margarine & beat eggs into the pan, stir
- put in meat balls, pineapple, & green lettuce, stir
- add rice, stir
- add sauce, salt & pepper
- cook till done
- serve warm with sauce and fried shallot

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